Spiegelworld speaks to Anna Altieri, Executive Culinary Director for Diner Ross at DISCOSHOW, the brand new Spiegelworld show and venue at 3535 Las Vegas Blvd.

Tell us a little bit about yourself! What is your journey up to this point?
I started cooking at a very young age; I grew up on a vegetable farm in Pennsylvania, where my love for cooking began. After high school, I went to culinary school at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park. Post-graduation, I worked at several fine-dining restaurants in New York. I spent a long stint in Italy for training and then returned to the U.S., where I got involved in culinary education. That’s how I transitioned into developing menus, primarily for pizza places. My background is mostly in French cuisine, but my passion lies mainly in Italian food. It’s more about the respect and love for the ingredients than the technique or the culture it comes from. That led me to Spiegelworld on our first restaurant, Superfrico.
What inspired you to become a chef? Was there a particular moment when you knew this was your calling?
I don’t recall a specific moment. I’ve always enjoyed cooking, even preparing meals for my birthday dinners since middle school. My grandmother is an incredible cook, and I’ve always loved the communal aspect of eating—sharing meals because I enjoy eating, but mostly, I love cooking for people. I don’t think I’d ever cook again if I weren’t cooking for others. It’s all about sharing, dialogue, and community.
How would you describe the vibe at Diner Ross?
Ooh, the vibe at Diner Ross. It’s your neighborhood restaurant. It’s a restaurant where you can come, hang out, and have a really great time. The vibe is very laid back, and it’s really fun, but it’s also the perfect amount of serious and elevated. I think if you’re eating there, you’re going to want to sit down, make yourself comfortable, hang out for a long time, try all the drinks, try all the food, and you’re going to feel really good about the dinner you’re about to have.
Taking it seriously, but in a relaxed environment?
I think that’s the vibe. Diner Ross is a restaurant I feel like Vegas lacks, or maybe The Strip lacks. A restaurant you want to go to all the time, it doesn’t have to be a special occasion. It’s going to feel like Thursday nights at Diner Ross.
What is the full inspiration behind the menus?
Most of the inspiration has come from all of the research trips we’ve taken. It’s not so much about the genre or cuisine, but the food that’s made us feel the best while we’re eating it. That’s driven the direction of the menu – what have I had and how did I feel when I was eating it? It’s less about is this an Italian restaurant or a French restaurant or a Chinese restaurant? It’s focused on What is fun? What is cool? What makes you feel good?
Can you tell us a bit about the dining experience at Diner Ross?
I like that you can come and get a burger, but you can also get a Tomahawk. It’s one of those places where you can choose your own adventure, and you can make your own style of dinner depending on what you’re in the mood for or what your price point is.
what are your three favorite menu items?
The Delancey Deluxe Burger is great. There’s no way around it. It’s a fantastic burger.
The Steelhead Trout is exceptional. It’s really simple, but it’s one of those things you could come back every Thursday, have it, and not get sick of it.
I love the Vietnamese Chopped Salad. It’s super fresh, super crunchy, acidic, and salty—all the things you want in a salad.
Would you recommend Diner Ross before or after DISCOSHOW?
I would say after DISCO. It’s always fun to pregame a show, but Diner Ross is perfect for when you’ve been dancing all night and you want to sit, you want to lounge, and you want to feast.
After you’ve done all your hard work in the club, this is your reward for a long night of dancing. You order a bottle of champagne, and you’re still riding your high from all the loud music. You can sit, or you can stand on the tables if you want – it’s the continuation of the party more than anything.