All Vinyl, All The Time
All Vinyl, All The Time
Like Superfrico itself, DJ Nina Tarr is eclectic, electric and tough to categorize. A skilled and highly sought-after DJ/woman-about-town, Nina has spun alongside the likes of Questlove, Thom Yorke, Nigel Godrich, Todd Edwards, Aquarium Drunkard and countless others. With her all-vinyl selections, Nina deftly blends funk, glam, afro beat, world, boogie, hip hop, new wave, electro, […]
The Many Moods of Dusty Moonboots
Dusty Moonboots is the intergalactic glam rocker who once entertained passengers on board the Starship OPM73. One never knew when or in what form the shapeshifting chanteuse would appear, only that her Machine Dazzle-designed wardrobe would be faaaabulous. Sadly, Dusty’s frequency went silent in 2199 and hasn’t been heard since. Rumored to have joined the […]
Disco Never Dies
It was called Disco Demolition Night. On July 12, 1979, a major league baseball promotion was spearheaded by Chicago radio announcer and anti-disco campaigner Steve Dahl.